14/02/2024, 18:00 Uhr
Aschermittwoch der Künstlerinnen und Künstler 2024
Mit der Ökumenischen Vesper beginnt auch die Ausstellung »Forms of Love« von Peles Duo in der St. Matthäus-Kirche.
St. Matthäus-Kirche
10785 Berlin
Natalia Pschenitschnikova, Stimme
Aribert Reimann „Eingedunkelt“ (1992) N 2 , 3 , 6, 9 . Text Paul Celan.
Armenische Monodien
Gregor von Narek (ca.945-1003)
„Ahegh Dzaynes“
Natalia Pschenitschnikova „Reflektions“ für Stimme und Elektronik (2023)
„ Asche“ für Stimme , präparierte Zither und Klangschale (2024) UA ( Text: Fragmente aus : Johannes 3, 16-21)
B i o g r a p h ie
Natalia Pschenitschnikova is a multifaceted vocalist, performer, composer and interpret.. She prefers to describe herself as a Music Artist. She studied flute and classical ballet in her hometown of Moscow and has participated in numerous projects with avant-garde artists. In the last years she has concentrated on extensive vocal works and performances, including contemporary opera, as well as medieval monody, an ongoing passion of hers. She has premiered countless works composed for her, for voice as well as flute and has released CDs with various labels such as ECM records. Her recent ECM production "As It Is", a collaboration with the pianist Alexej Lubimov offering a selection of John Cage's early compositions, received the "Diapason D'or" in November 2012.
Since 2016- grounder and artistic director Theater of Voice La Gol“ ( Moscow)
Worked besides many others with composers: Gyia Kancheli, Sophia Gubbajdullina, Berhard Lang,Helmut Oehring, Peter Ablinger ,Klaus Lang , Dmitrij Kourliandski, Sergej Newski, Chris Newman, an many others
Conducters: Enno Poppe, Beat Furrer, Theodor Kourentzis, Dennis Rassel-Devies, Emilio Pomarico, Martin Brabbins etc.
Musicians/Ensembles: Alexej Lubimov, Michiko Hyraiama, Ictus, Klangforum Wien, Apartment House, Mosaik, KNM etc
Performers/ Visual Artists: Katalin Ladik, Dimitrij Prigov, German Vinogradov, Melati Sourdiarmo, Vadim Zakharov; Elena Nemkova etc
Stage directors: Kirill Serebrennikov, Theodoros Therzopoulos; Philipp Grigoryan, Alienor Duchan etc